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Obligatory Birthday Post

Happy birthday to meeeee~ That sounded narcissistic, but it's true! It has been such a joyous birthday, topped with such sweet and endearing people in my life. It was definitely much more of a cute and quiet birthday, but really wouldn't have I really wouldn't have it any other way. The introvert in me loves it. And God has definitely shown me that His timing is always the best, which is why He gave me the best birthday present <3

As some of you who have been following me know, I have been praying for a place to stay for the longest time. My dear friend messaged me to tell me that I've been approved to take her spot in her apartment, and invited me over to dinner with the rest of my soon-to-be roommates! And she baked me a cute little birthday cake <3

I don't really have pictures from today, but I am so blessed by all the timing for everything. Our God is such a gracious, generous, and loving God. I wish I could hug Him and thank Him for this birthday present, haha. I'm a dork, I know.

The day is about to end, and I'm going to finish up doing my laundry.

Until next time!




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